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  • Lent 2013 – Day 3: Open the gate now … and then too.

Lent 2013 – Day 3: Open the gate now … and then too.

passing through

Oh grant us light, that we may know
The wisdom Thou alone canst give;
That truth may guide where’er we go
And virtue bless where’er we live.

Oh grant us light, that we may see,
Where error lurks in human lore,
And turn our doubting minds to Thee,
And love Thy simple word the more.

Oh grant us light, that we may learn
How dead is life from Thee apart;
How sure is joy for all who turn
To Thee an undivided heart.

Oh grant us light, in grief and pain,
To lift our burdened hearts above,
And count the very cross a gain,
And bless our Father’s hidden love.

Oh grant us light, when soon or late
All earthly scenes shall pass away,
In Thee to find the open gate
To deathless home and endless day.

Lawrence Tuttiett
– hymn-writer, born at Cloyton, Devonshire


Tony is a Superintendent Methodist Minister, broadcaster and author. He is a radio presenter with Premier Christian Radio and a regular contributor to BBC Radio 2's Pause for Thought (5.45 am). Tony is married with two children and four grandchildren.

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