Tony is a Methodist minister in the 33rd year of his ministry (1989 to date).
In 2004 Tony became part of the ministerial team at Methodist Central Hall Westminster (situated between Westminster Abbey and the QE2 conference centre). For 10 years he served part-time (also serving as a Media Chaplain). He now serves as the Superintendent Minister and Team Leader of the Church at Central Hall, a Connexional Managing Trustee of the Central Hall building, and a Non-executive Director of the Conference Centre, Central Hall Westminster Ltd.
Tony’s puppets have become quite a part of his ministry – especially his faithful friend, ‘Darren’.
Prior to being at Central Hall, Tony was pastorally responsible for Loughton Methodist Church and Trinity Church, Debden – a Local Ecumenical Partnership (1995-2004). His first appointment was in the Colchester Circuit, serving four churches (1989-1995): Wimpole Road, West Mersea, Fingringhoe and Rowhedge Methodist churches.
Tony first felt called to the Methodist presbyteral ministry following time as a Lay Pastoral Assistant at Epsom Methodist Church (1984/6) and then trained at Wesley College, Bristol (1986/89).
He had also been a Bible college student at Cliff College in 1983-1984. This all followed a change of direction in his career. Tony originally completed a business studies course at the North East Surrey College of Technology (NESCOT), and then worked for three years as a money broker for a stockbroking firm in the City of London.
John Wainwright
April 14, 2020 at 5:06 pmDear Tony
I have enjoyed hearing you on Premier Radio and in that capacity was wondering if you could please advise me.
I’m planing to produce an article for a Circuit Newsletter and was wanting to remind people of the Station, in particular during the current ‘lockdown’. In a previous article people were reminded of BBC broadcasts but no mention of Premier! Similarly I’ve not seen much reference in the Methodist Recorder though in the case of the latter I may not have been looking properly.Have you picked up anything on why the Station might be being ignored? I have to admit my preference generally for Uk speakers (with some notable exceptions) and don’t always like the shrill music but just like any other broadcasting outlets we have a choice. We are told quite often to say what we like about Premier but I’m not sure how much research has been done on why Premier may not be popular in some traditional denominations (no doubt in part based on hearsay and perceptions rather than regular listening.) On the positive side of things it is encouraging to hear more people are tuning into Christian broadcasting generally at the moment and in my case the unprecedented condition we now face, at least in modern UK history, have forced me to move into twentieth century technology though I may never get as far as the 21st!
Every seasonal blessing and I hope you and your family keep well at this difficult time for all of us.
John Wainwright
April 14, 2020 at 5:07 pmSee above
April 14, 2020 at 5:26 pmJohn,
Thanks for this. I will reply to your email address, rather than here.
God bless,
Peter Mitchell
August 4, 2020 at 11:17 amHi Tony,
Shared in your Morning Service last Sunday. Great job! Keep up the good work – your still on my Prayer cycle.
Trust you and Frances are well.
Every blessing,
August 4, 2020 at 11:23 amBless you, Peter. Yes, Frances and I are well. Your prayers are greatly appreciated. Hope you are okay too. Keep in touch and take care. Love, peace and joy be with you. As ever, Tony