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Going Digital – 2008 Churches Media Council Conference

Please note the details that I have now received from Andrew Graystone about the Churches Media Council’s annual conference.  I am a member of the conference planning group and I highly recommend the event:

Churches Media Council Logo web
Searching for values in the New Media environment

The digital revolution has arrived. IPTV, social networking, blogging, gaming and mobile technology are changing all the rules. New platforms create new possibilities. Fresh expectations from audiences demand new ways of working from producers and communicators.

This year’s Churches’ Media Conference will equip you to find your way through the digital jungle. There will be keynote sessions on convergence, media ethics, social networking, new initiatives in faith broadcasting.

We will also have challenging questions to face; who is setting the values agenda for tomorrow’s media? Does Public Service Broadcasting mean anything in the new media environment? Is Religious Broadcasting coming to an end – or is it ripe for transformation?
Thankfully we have an outstanding range of contributors to help us. They include senior programme-makers like former Newsnight editor Tim Gardam, technology experts like the BBC’s Rory Cellan-Jones, and leading thinkers like David Wilkinson, James Hanvey, Julian Baggini and Bishop Nick Baines.

We’ve also created even better opportunities to meet and work with colleagues from your particular media sector.

Of course there will also be time to network and relax. I’m delighted that BBC Radio 4’s Milton Jones will with us. I truly believe he may be the funniest man in Britain.

The conference will take place from Monday 9th – Wednesday 11th June 2008 at the Hayes Conference Centre, Derbyshire. For more information about the conference and to book your place please click here

If you don’t have a password just register on the site.

The Churches’ Media Conference 2008 provides a unique opportunity for media professionals and faith leaders to engage in a lively debate about the challenges of the digital future. Please would you help us get the word out by forwarding this email to anyone you know who may be interested in joining us.

Tony is a Superintendent Methodist Minister, broadcaster and author. He is a radio presenter with Premier Christian Radio and a regular contributor to BBC Radio 2's Pause for Thought (5.45 am). Tony is married with two children and four grandchildren.


  • Tony

    February 26, 2008 at 10:57 am

    Hi Olive – thanks for your help in spreading the word. The delgates are varied from accross the industry and denominations – but the attendees will include those who work in the media with an interest in religious broadcasting, representatives from denominations and charities, media students, DCO’s, and other interested parties. There is always a good and diverse attendance, so I encourage people to book early. I will be there and I’m sure there will be a number of other Methodists too. Tony

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