I am looking forward to being a London District Presbyteral Representative
at this year’s Methodist Conference at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster.
It all start’s tomorrow – Thursday 4th – Thursday 11th July.
Here’s a prayer from my colleague Revd Martin Turner and myself:
Loving God,
as Big Ben’s chime reminds us
that we meet at the centre of the political life of our nations,
we pray that the decisions made in Parliament may be for the common good.
As we walk through St James’s Park to Buckingham Palace,
we pray for the Queen and for all who carry authority.
As we cross the road to the Abbey or walk down Victoria Street to the Cathedral,
we pray that the holy catholic Church might show out your love
and speak prophetically to our society.
This city is a place of hope and dreams,
of wealth and poverty –
a kaleidoscope of people from across the world.
As we meet in this city,
and in the Great Hall
where the United Nations was born,
may the context of our Conference lift our eyes to your wider agenda.
We ask it in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Martin Turner and Tony Miles
One Comment
Joel Bengbeng
July 4, 2013 at 12:44 amAmen. May God bless the people called Methodists in England. Your brothers and sisters here in the Philippines are praying for the 2013 Methodist Conference.