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What shall the day bring forth?

The prayer from this mroning’s Saturday Quiet Time on Premier.

Man praying on bed

Generous Creator God,
as we greet this brand new day that beckons us,
we praise You that it is pregnant with potential.
But what shall the day bring forth?
You know, but we can only guess.
We simply welcome the unknown that lies before us
and pray that we may live well today
with a adventure, but deep a sense of responsibility before You.
Grant us discernment and imagination,
care and peace
courage and hope,
good humour and joy.
Whether working or resting,
serving or playing,
alone or with company,
struggling or at ease,
may we know your tangible presence with us –
Your love, care, healing and sustaining strength.
As we thank You for today,
we ask You to show us the way
to be light that dispels darkness.
For Jesus’ sake.  Amen.

Copyright May 2013 Anthony D. Miles

Tony is a Superintendent Methodist Minister, broadcaster and author. He is a radio presenter with Premier Christian Radio and a regular contributor to BBC Radio 2's Pause for Thought (5.45 am). Tony is married with two children and four grandchildren.

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