Please spread the word about an important petition – see below (message from Rebecca Foulton of Public Voice re. the Digital Dividend Review):
Dear all,
Public Voice has petitioned the Prime Minister to ensure that spectrum freed for use following digital switchover is available for citizen and community uses, by rejecting the notion that all of it is sold off to the highest bidder. This is a once in a generation opportunity for supporters of citizen, community and social action broadcasting and communications to have their say on the future of this valuable UK resource. So please sign our petition at, and cascade the link to any and all interested parties. The deadline for signing is March 19th 2007.
Many thanks,
Rebecca Fulton
Project Manager, Digital Dividend Review, Public Voice
C/o CSV, 237 Pentonville Road , LONDON , N1 9NJ
M: 07866 801906 F: 020 7833 0149 E:
How does the digital dividend review affect you?
Find out more at
Tony Miles (Media Chaplain)