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Shine On

Lord of light,
in the hardness of these days
bring your grace, mercy, and pardon.
Lord of light,
in the confusion of these days
bring your truth, order and hope.
Lord of light,
in the heaviness of these days,
bring your freedom, inspiration and new life.
Lord of light,
in the dryness of these days
bring refreshment, renewal and new beginnings.
Lord of light,
in the darkness of these days
bring with your love, joy and peace.
Lord of light,
shine on me,
that I may be a beacon for your kingdom
and enable others to taste the difference
that only you can make a reality.
Thank you, Lord. Amen. 

Copyright Anthony D. Miles  November 2012

Tony is a Superintendent Methodist Minister, broadcaster and author. He is a radio presenter with Premier Christian Radio and a regular contributor to BBC Radio 2's Pause for Thought (5.45 am). Tony is married with two children and four grandchildren.

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