Lord, when the world is in overdrive,
help me to stop … pace myself … and act with discipline.
May my deeds be generous and full of grace.
Lord, when I need to go against the flow,
help me to be strong and courageous.
May I always keep close to you.
Lord, when I’m tempted to compete against others,
help me to be authentic and intentional.
May I be the best that I can be – without comparison!
help me, in Christ, to be true to myself.
May I bear much fruit for You.
Lord, when I feel few really understand me,
help me to listen for MY name on YOUR lips.
May I be assured of the depth of Your love.
Lord, when I forget that life is a precious gift,
help me to live life to the full,
and may I live well too!
Copyright February 2013 Anthony D. Miles