Be good to yourself and take time to read the following without any hurry and reflectively.
Why not find somewhere that is quiet and be alone as you let the words speak.
Perhaps you can go for a walk, or sit in a garden – anywhere, but ensure no interruption.
Take your time.
Be quiet.
Yes … you!
Hush and listen.
No! … I mean really listen,
carefully and prayerfully.
Stop what you are doing and thinking right now.
Be still
and learn to listen properly.
Just listen!
Put aside your “To Do” list and your agenda.
Put aside your guilt and your frustration.
Put aside your plans, hopes and dreams;
and simply be!
Rest your thoughts,
relieve your mind
and calm your restless soul.
Just listen!
Listen to your heart
and relax to the rhythm of your body
– a temple of the Holy Spirit.
Let the strong arms of your Creator embrace you
– the One who gave you the very breath of life.
Allow the sounds of God’s creation to be a lullaby
that rocks you in the cradle of divine love
and know that you are enfolded in the duvet of his peace;
that deep peace that passes all human understanding.
Just listen!
Find that place deep within you
and be still and know that God is with you by the gift of his Spirit.
Remember that he loves you far more than you could ever imagine.
You are cherished,
despite your failings;
despite your faithlessness;
despite your inability to take control of your life,
or even to influence the lives of others.
Hear the still small voice of acceptance.
Wait for it.
Just listen!
You are chosen.
You are needed.
You are understood … completely!
You can be forgiven and renewed.
Bask for a moment in grace and mercy.
Go on … enjoy it!
For life is a gift.
Find out in the stillness who you really are
and what is important
– most important!
Just listen!
Allow the balm of God’s healing to soothe you.
Oh yes … and understand this:
Unless you listen more often,
I mean, really listen;
unless you open the floodgates of your heart to God’s Spirit,
you will never find the inrush of life in all its fullness,
you will never find true meaning and purpose.
Rather, you will find yourself dancing to the wrong tune,
or pounding a pointless treadmill.
You will find that you will grow tired and weary,
you will stumble and fall,
you will never soar with those wings clipped!
Just listen!
So, do yourself a favour
and listen, precious one;
listen with care and attention;
listen and live.
For you are loved unconditionally by your Maker
– the One who sent his Son
to set you free;
free to soar on wings like eagles.
He longs for you to trust,
and receive all that he has for you.
for heaven’s sake
… just listen!
Anthony D. Miles © July 2003