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Sienna Willow (December 2015)

Happy Christmas!

Hannah sarah Miles Copyright December 2015

Sienna Willow (Dec. 2015)

Let Your goodness Lord appear to us,
that we made in your image,
conform ourselves to it.

In our own strength 
we cannot imitate Your majesty, power, and wonder
nor is it fitting for us to try.

But Your mercy reaches from the heavens
through the clouds to the earth below.

You have come to us as a small child,
but you have brought us the greatest of all gifts,
the gift of eternal love

Caress us with Your tiny hands,
embrace us with Your tiny arms
and pierce our hearts with Your soft, sweet cries.

St. Bernard of Clairvaux (1090-1153)

Tony is a Superintendent Methodist Minister, broadcaster and author. He is a radio presenter with Premier Christian Radio and a regular contributor to BBC Radio 2's Pause for Thought (5.45 am). Tony is married with two children and four grandchildren.

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