As I reflect on Brian Draper’s Lent40 reflection today, he encourages me to read Psalm 139:23
‘Search me, O God, …’
I love a phrase that he uses – it has stayed with me all morning:
‘When we drink to excess, we do so to forget. To drink the wine of Jesus’ blood, however, is to remember, vividly.’
(Brian Draper)
Thank you, Brian!
May I not forget my weakenesses.
I thank God that I can come to Him in all honesty and ask for forgiveness for the shortcomings in my life.
May I take sufficient time to remember and ask for forgiveness.
I recall the following prayer attributed to John Wesley:
Forgive them all, O Lord:
Our sins of omission and our sins of commission;
The sins of our youth and the sins of our riper years;
The sins of our souls and the sins of our bodies;
Our secret and our more open sins;
Our sins of ignorance and surprise,
And our more deliberate and presumptuous sin;
The sins we have done to please ourselves
And the sins we have done to please others;
The sins we know and remember,
And the sins we have forgotten;
The sins we have striven to hide from others
And the sins by which we have made others offend;
Forgive them, O Lord, forgive them all for his sake,
Who died for our sins and rose for our justification,
And now stands at thy right hand to make intercession for us,
Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
John Wesley (1703 – 1791)