Today the 2005 debt deal comes fully into effect one year on from the G8 meeting at Gleneagles. Tomorrow it will be the anniversary of Live 8 – the Make Poverty History Edinburgh event that demanded debt cancellation. Next Saturday will be one year since the G8 leaders signed the communiqué promising debt cancellation. During the year I have been interviewing Stephen Rand (co-chair of the Julbilee Debt Campaign) on a regular basis. Stephen has a trendous grasp of the issues, a big heart, and a passion for these important issues of Trade Justice and Debt Cancelletion. Here are some facts to report on debt cancellation:
Hundreds of thousands have participated in the Jubilee movement for debt cancellation over the past ten years
Hundreds of thousands more participated in Make Poverty History in 2005, which included the call to ‘Drop the Debt’
The facts of the G8 debt deal are regularly described inaccurately
There is significant unfinished business
Some countries are already using the benefits of the debt deal to combat poverty – there is a human interest story at the heart of the debt crisis
Debt is not an isolated issue – it is bound up with aid and trade; it impacts the environment, it affects woman and children, it undermines democracy
The UK has made money from Africa as a result of Nigeria’s debt deal
The economic conditions demanded in return for debt relief are often highly damaging
Though the G8 debt deal was reported as a major success from the Gleneagles Summit. The Jubillee Debt Campaign asks: Will it deliver a new deal for the world’s poor? And whose fault will it be if it does not? For more info:
The Jubilee Debt Campaign is a coalition of national organisations and local and regional groups calling for 100% cancellation of unpayable and unjust poor country debts by fair and transparent means. Member organisations include churches, other faith groups, trade unions, and major aid agencies. Jubilee Debt Campaign was a core coalition of Make Poverty History.