Colin Lowther (HCJB) is updating a list of existing Christian content on UK commercial radio for distribution at the Churches Media Council Conference commercial radio stream. This includes specific ‘religious’ shows as well as thoughts for the day etc.
A lot can change in a year in the commercial radio industry as I’m sure you are aware…!   We already know of a number of shows that have been axed.
If you know of any infomation or changes that would be useful in the updating process, please could you send Colin ,or me, an email. Â
Colin suggests using three headings:
- the future
- relationship with management
- listener feedback
There’s no need to write a lot, just a sentence or two for each will do.
If you know of the existence of other Christian material on stations that we may not know about, please could you send those details as well.
Having this information is really helpful to get a full picture of what is happening across the country.