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Are Christians more likely to pull a sickie?

An extract from a ‘Care For The Family’ news release: 

“Most Christians regard their work as unimportant,” says David Oliver, presenter of Care for the Family’s Love Work, Live Life! event. “But if you’re a Christian, then whatever work you do, you are in full-time ministry,…”   Hundreds of Christians have already been urged to work one hundred per cent for God in whatever workplace they find themselves in at Love Work, Live Life! events. “There is nothing more spiritual than doing what God has called us to do,” says David. “Far too many Christians believe that God can’t use them during work hours.”

“But it’s a mistake to regard your ‘secular’ job as a ‘second-class stopgap’, which is only there until you are ‘called’ to full-time ‘Christian work’. That kind of attitude means you don’t care about your job and makes you a less-than-credible Christian witness. Are Christians more likely to pull a sickie? Yes, if they don’t care about their job. No, if they realise that their workplace is the place where God wants to work!”

At Love Work, Live Life! David’s authoritative grasp on the real Biblical view of work will encourage many Christians to take a renewed interest in their work – seeing their ‘ordinary’ workplace as the place where God can do extraordinary things. David highlights the fact that the vast majority of people in the Bible worked ‘ordinary’ jobs. They were not all priests or paid church workers – they were farmers, fishermen, craftsmen and civil servants. “In fact,” says David, “the Bible is a book written by workers, for workers!”

“I believe Christians can work ‘full-time as a Christian’, whatever job they do and wherever they do it. We need to get serious about work and start seeing it as the vocation we are called to. Work doesn’t have to be just about paying the bills. It can be the place to discover your destiny and God’s plans for you.”

Love Work, Live Life! also features:
Studies of Biblical heroes – and how they did ‘ordinary’ jobs
How to express God’s purpose for your life at your place of work
How to find out if you’re in the right job for you
Forging better relationships with your work colleagues
Using the gifts God has given you to transform your workplace
To find out when Love Work Live Life!takes place (click here)
All the events run from 7.30-10.00pm and tickets cost £6.00 each. Tickets can be ordered online at  Care for the Family is a national charity dedicated to strengthening family life and helping those who are hurting due to family breakdown. Previous work-related events run by Care for the Family include Life in the Fast Lane, presented by Rob Parsons and Working to Live, presented by David Oliver.  Press tickets to Love Work, Live Life! are available to members of the press – please call Care for the Family’s media office. David Oliver’s book ‘Love Work, Live Life’ was published in January 2006 by Authentic Media.

Tony is a Superintendent Methodist Minister, broadcaster and author. He is a radio presenter with Premier Christian Radio and a regular contributor to BBC Radio 2's Pause for Thought (5.45 am). Tony is married with two children and four grandchildren.

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