O loving God,
you call us to follow Jesus and to serve you in the world;
you inspire and sustain us, whilst equipping us for service.
Yet, you never promised that our lives would be easy!
Your promise was to be with us as we walk our sometimes difficult journey of faith.
Today we give you thanks for the dedicated life of Rob Frost,
for his total Christian commitment and love of you;
for his humility and courage;
for his obedience and passion in communicating the saving power of Jesus;
for the way he helped others into a relationship with you through our Lord;
for his ability to release people’s gifts and share the vision you gave to him.
We pray for his family and close friends at this difficult time
– especially his wife, Jacqui,
his children, Andy and Chris,
and his father, Ron.
Bless, keep and comfort them,
and enfold them in your everlasting arms of love.
May they hold onto all the wonderful promises that Rob believed with all his heart,
and through their tears, may they be assured of the joy of eternal life,
through Jesus Christ, our only Saviour and Lord. Amen.
Tony Miles
Please read my initial tribute to Rob – written the day after he died – blog entry 12th November 2007
One Comment
November 23, 2007 at 10:10 amHey Tony … I sense the great emotion in this eulogy. My condolences to you and Francis. C.B.