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A Prayer for One World Week

One World Week
starts on Sunday 18th October 2009:

A prayer: Respect for the earth
– being used during One World Week 18-25 October 2009 
© Sophie Stanes CAFOD  (Used wtih permission via OWW)

Grant us a spirit of concern for the future of our environment;
Bring an end to the exploitation of the earth’s scarce resources;
Encourage us to be responsible stewards of your creation.

Response: Lord, make us prophets of our time
Grant us a spirit of respect, recognising the value and integrity of each person; Encourage us to be accepting of ourselves and of others.

Response: Lord, make us prophets of our time

Help us become advocates of peace, bringing an end to conflict and division; Renew our commitment to challenging the causes of injustice.

Response: Lord, make us prophets of our time

Grant us a spirit of openness to see God within and around us;
Help us rejoice in the good we have experienced as we move forward to the future;
Help us use our senses to celebrate beauty and creativity in the world.

Response: Lord, make us prophets of our time

Grant us a spirit of truth to recognise failings, which have hurt us, others and the world;
Give us the humility to ask forgiveness for our part in any wrongdoing;

Response: Lord, make us prophets of our time

Grant us a spirit of generosity to reach out in trust to those we encounter;
Help us to embody God’s love in our relationships with one another.

Response: Lord, make us prophets of our time

© Sophie Stanes CAFOD  Used with permission (via OWW)
(A prayer being used for One World Week 18-25 October 2009: )

Tony is a Superintendent Methodist Minister, broadcaster and author. He is a radio presenter with Premier Christian Radio and a regular contributor to BBC Radio 2's Pause for Thought (5.45 am). Tony is married with two children and four grandchildren.

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